Tokyo Asset Management Forum 2022 will be held on the 24th February, 2022
14 FEBRUARY 2022News
FinCiy.Tokyo is hosting the Tokyo Asset Management Forum 2022 on the 24th February, 2022. This event will feature presentations from a variety of asset managers from Japan and overseas, keynote addresses by global asset owners such as Teachers Retirement System of Texas, Norges Bank Investment Management and Japan Science and Technology Agency, and panel discussions with leading Japanese asset management companies. In Japan, with its declining birthrate, aging population and other social issues, there is a growing need for the asset management industry to become more sophisticated and diversified. We look forward to seeing you there.
Name:Tokyo Asset Management Forum 2022
Date:24th February, 2022 14:00-17:00 JST (5:00-8:00 GMT)
Place:Online (Zoom)
Participation Fee:Free
Please refer to the following instructions for the event registration:
- 1 Register at PEATIX
- 2 Receive the ticket on PEATIX app and access to the available URL for ZOOM registration.
- 3 Obtain ID and password for Zoom webinar
- 4 Access Zoom webinar room using the obtained ID and password
Note: Event registration will close at 3pm on the 23rd of February (JST).
MC: Emi Onozuka Chief Operating Officer, Japan Catalyst, Inc., Monex Group
- ◆Opening Remarks
- ・Keiichi Aritomo, Executive Director, FinCity.Tokyo
- ◆Keynote #1 “Enhancing the Asset Management Business”
- ・Hisashi Kuwata , Director of the Advancing Asset Management Office, Financial Services Agency
- ◆Keynote #2 “Expectations for Japanese Asset Owners and Emerging Managers”
- ・Kirk Sims, Director, Head of Emerging Managers Program, Teachers Retirement System of Texas
- ◆Presentation by Emerging Managers #1
- ◆Panel Discussion “Industry Leaders’ Vision”
- ・Akira Sugano, President and CEO, Asset Management One Co., Ltd.
- ・Yoshio Hishida, Representative Director and President, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Asset Management Co., Ltd.
- ・Fujino Hideto, Representative Director, Chairman, President and CEO, CIO, Rheos Capital Works Inc.
- ・Moderator: Keiichi Aritomo, Executive Director, FinCity.Tokyo
- ◆Presentation by Emerging Managers #2
- ◆Keynote #3 “Management Approach of the University Fund”
- ・Masakazu Kita, Chief Investment Officer, Japan Science and Technology Agency
- ◆Keynote #4 ”Investing with External Managers”
- ・Erik Hilde, Global Head of External Strategies, Norges Bank Investment Management
Organized by: FinCity.Tokyo
Sponsorship: Financial Services Agency/The Investment Trusts Association, Japan/Japan Investment Advisers Association/Japan Securities Dealers Association/The Securities Analysts Association of Japan/CFA Society Japan/Japan Exchange Group, Inc./Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc./The Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA)/The Consortium for Japan International Asset Management Center Promotion (JIAM)/Japan Alternative Data Accelerator Association
Media Partner: Soken Inc.
Japanese Page
About FinCity.Tokyo
FinCity.Tokyo is Japan’s first public-private financial promotion organization that aims to make Tokyo a world class international financial city.
Its members include financial institutions, business companies, industry organizations, and government agencies based in Tokyo. Its aim is to disseminate information on the attractiveness of Tokyo as a financial city, to convey the opinions of its users to relevant organizations, to work for the improvement of the environment of Tokyo as a financial city. It also conducts various activities aimed at expanding the scope of the asset management industry.